Islamic State · Politics

Iran Doubts the US’s Intention to Obliterate Islamic State

The commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard is on record stating, “We have serious doubts that the US’s intention is to obliterate (Islamic State).” A spokeswoman from Iran’s foreign ministry echoed this argument, stating, “The pronounced goals of this coalition in the fight against terrorism are inconsistent with certain past and present deeds of its main architects and some of its members.”

Iran is aware that the U.S. Trained and Aided Islamic State Rebels, According to Washington Post Author. It also likely sees that US’s new war as a means to enrich the defense industry and give business to American contractors who are ready to cash in on ISIS War. The US did the same thing in Afghanistan and Iraq. It wasn’t about national security. These wars were about acquiring resources and boosting the military industry. 

Does my opposition to the US’s policy and my support of Iran’s position make me a terrorist? 

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