
Video: Larry Bird on What it Means to Be a Boston Celtic

Larry Bird’s retirement press conference from 1994. The Legend speaks …

Reporter: What has it meant to be a Celtic?

Bird: Well, everybody plays for all of these other teams, and, you know, they make a lot of money, and they always say they’re always proud. But if you don’t play for the Boston Celtics, you never played professional basketball. This is what basketball is all about. This is what every player in the world, whether they like it or not, this is what you strive for to be. You want to be a part of a family, you want to be a part of a team, and the only way you can get that is to play for the Celtics, not for a year, not for two years, but for a whole career. There are very few players who have been able to do that now. I’m very fortunate and very honored to be one of ‘em.


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